"People tend to believe that there is something you’re born with, and either you have it or you don’t. But that’s not really the experience of mathematicians. We all find it difficult. It’s not that we’re any different from someone who struggles with maths problems in third grade…. We’re just prepared to handle that struggle on a much larger scale. We’ve built up resistance to those setbacks".
Andrew Wiles.[17] (with M.B. Castro and R. Sanchis) Critical percolation on slabs with random columnar disorder. arxiv
[16] (with D. dos Santos) Exponential decay for constrained-degree percolation; Journal of Applied Probability, 2024. arxiv journal link
[15] (with E. Borel, A. Procacci and R. Sanchis) Anisotropic Ising model in d+s dimensions; Annales Henri Poincaré, 2024. arxiv journal link
[14] (with W. Barreto-Souza, S. Ndreca and R. B. Silva) Non-linear INAR(1) processes under an alternative geometric thinning operator; Test, 2023. journal link
[13] (with R. Sanchis and D. dos Santos) Constrained-degree percolation in random environment; Annales de I'institut Henri Poincare (B), Probabilités et Statistiques, 2022. arxiv journal link
[12] (with P.A. Gomes and O. Lima ) Percolation of words on the hypercubic lattice with one-dimensional long-range interactions; Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 2022. arxiv journal link
[11] (with F.B. Gonçalves and L.M. Dutra) Exact and computationally efficient Bayesian inference for generalized Markov modulated Poisson processes; Statistics and Computing, 2022. arxiv journal link
[10] (with W. Barreto-Souza and G. Oliveira) Fractional Poisson random sum and its associated normal variance mixture; Stochastic Models, 2021. arxiv journal link
[9] (with W. Barreto-Souza and G. Oliveira) Convergence and inference for mixed Poisson random sums; Metrika, 2021. arxiv journal link
[8] (with P.A. Gomes and R. Sanchis) A note on the dimensional crossover critical exponent; Letters in Mathematical Physics, 2020. arxiv journal link
[7] (with I. Ben-Ari) On a local version of the Bak-Sneppen model; Journal of Statistical Physics, 2018. arxiv journal link
[6] (with R. Sanchis) Dimensional crossover in anisotropic percolation on Zd+s; Journal of Statistics Physics, 2017. arxiv journal link
[5] (with M.M. de Queiroz and R.H. Loschi) Shannon entropy and Kullback Leibler divergence in multivariate log fundamental skew normal and related distributions; Canadian Journal of Statistics, 2016. arxiv journal link
[4] (with M.M. de Queiroz and R.H. Loschi) Multivariate log-skewed distributions with normal kernel and their applications; Statistics (Berlin), 2016. arxiv journal link
[3] (with T.R. dos Santos) Modelando a taxa de neoplasia pulmonar no Brasil via modelos lineares generalizados; Revista de Estatística da UFOP, 2014. journal link
[2] (with B.N.B. de Lima and R. Sanchis) Percolation of words on Zd with long-range connections; Journal of Applied Probability, 2011. arxiv journal link
[1] (with B.N.B. de Lima and R. Sanchis) Critical point and percolation probability in a long range site percolation model on Zd; Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 2011. arxiv journal link